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Microbial Contamination of Air Rapid Detection

The new AIRBIO.ONE VIRUS air sampler is one of the more efficient instrument to collect viable particles from the air like bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The new bio-aerosol technology gives the possibility to be used in combination with molecular biology analysis to obtain the results of the biological contamination in few hours.

Infact the obtained sample is compatible with the today new fastest microbiological and virological analytical methods like PCR, rPCR, ELISA, Flow cytometry, etc.

It is designed for air-bio contamination quality control in pharma, biotech, medical, veterinary, agro, dairy, food, beverage, waste fields.

It can be used either for the traditional culture in agar plate or molecular biology tests.

Thanks to its compactness and light weight can be easily handled and transferred on the field.

The environment like schools, municipality building, underground, hospitals, bar, restaurant, railways are the most respiratories virus source of contamination and the AIRBIO.ONE VIRUS sampler gives the opportunities to the health authorities to apply an easily monitoring.