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“Daily Shift” Aspirating Head to Save Time and Reduce Contamination Risk

The aspirating head of the microbial air samplers is an important part of the protocol for the Environmental Monitoring (EM) concerning the “Risk Management” (RM) and the “Contamination Control Strategy” (CCS).

The sterility of the sampling head is fundamental for a correct EM procedure.

The sterile “DAILY SHIFT” aspirating head with a triple irradiated packaging reduces the risk of contamination during the manipulation (with the consequent false positive results) and avoids the issue of in-house sterilisation certificate of sterilization.

The elimination of the cost in house autoclaving, the availability during periods of unusual laboratory heavy workloads, the semitransparency to see the culture plate inside the spiration chamber, the risk reduction of false positive are an ideal solution for the busy personnel involved in EM.

Ask for “DAILY SHIFT” samples and copy of sterilization certificate to ORUM INTERNATIONAL.